Gods Children Angels Inc

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Nonprofit Corporation Articles of Incorporation


Pursuant to God’s Children Angels’ being incorporated as Gods Children Angels Inc. also a foundation, of the laws of  the undersigned majority of whom are citizens of the United States, do hereby submit these Articles of Incorporation for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation.



God’s Children Angels’


The name of the corporation is: God’s Children Angels’ Inc.





The corporation shall have perpetual existence.



Effective Date


The effective date of incorporation shall be: upon filing by the Secretary of State and dated





The corporation will not have members but will have a congregation of the directors listed below.



Type of nonprofit corporation


The corporation is not for profit and a Public Benefit Corporation and Religious Corporation and a Foundation



Registered Office


The street address of the initial registered office of the corporation is:

5222 Paris Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209

County Duval




Principal Office

The corporation has a principal office. The street address of the principal office is:

5222 Paris Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209

County Duval

and a subsidiary office at

5776 Bryce Street Keystone Heights FL32656

County Clay



Mailing Address

5222 Paris Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209

and a subsidiary mailing of

P.O. Box 230 Keystone Heights FL 32656

County Clay





The corporation’s initial directors are as follows:


Director: Bruce Conway.

5776 Bryce Street Keystone Heights FL 32656

Director: Dayse Conway

5222 Paris Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209

Director: Sergio Coutinho

5222 Paris Avenue Jacksonville FL 32209





The corporation does indemnify any directors, officers, employees, incorporators, and members of the corporation from any liability regarding the corporation and the affairs of the corporation, unless the person fraudulently and intentionally violated the law and/or maliciously conducted acts to damage and/or defraud the corporation, or as otherwise provided under applicable statute.





The purpose of the corporation is exclusively for a foundation and

engage and inspire individuals and communities for public benefit, and to

conduct their activities with transparency, integrity and accountability for

charitable, religious, church establishment, educational, scientific, home care,  

medical / nursing assistance, respiratory care assistance, arts dance and music and  

community action program as listed below, , immigration, grants,

social security, food/help stores, purposes including all items listed below,

for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as

exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code,

or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code and herein stated as follows:


1)     Community Action Program

A)     Taxation

B)     Immigration

C)     Insurance

D)    Retirement

E)     Food Stamps

F)     Social Security

G)     Medicare

H)    Medicaid

I)       Mortgage HAMP

J)       Nu-Legal

K)     Grants

L)     WIC

M)   TANFC Cash Benefits

N)    Driver’s License


2)     Gods Children Angels Protection Law

Law a)  ANKLE ELECTRONIC TRACKER. Place electronic ankle straps to keep
     track of the sex offenders.

Law b) CHIP TRACKING. Place electronic chips to keep track of the sex

Law c) DRIVERS LICENSE. Remove their drivers licenses to alleviate
    abductions of children in and by vehicles.

Law d) SIGNS. Sex abuser lives here signs, like stop signs,
    must be attached to the houses, to warn residents & Children, that these
    problem people live here.

Law e) Monthly, program with psychological authorities, after release of offenders, to review and authorize offenders, for social involvement in the community.

Law f) Weekly police probation monitoring.

Law g) Law requiring IDENTIFYING sex Offender as DANGEROUS PREDATOR, rather than, released sex offender.

Law h) AMBER ALERT system is required immediately, within 5 minutes, to place the alert. Confirmation & investigations are done later at the Police desecration. Hence, the alert can be recalled if needed. Time is the issue not the confirmation.

Law i) Registered Sex Offenders & Predators to LIVE 10 miles OUT SIDE of Schools, Churches, Malls etc.


3)     Fund Raising Foundation

a)      Educational  grants, to sexually abused children, for University education

b)     Lodgment & funding of  laws, to protect our children from sexual listed offenders and other unscrupulous predatorily people.

c)      School, Educational and sports facilities for the children in this zip 32209

d)     Facility 12 by 160 feet on 5222 Paris Avenue, to create Food store, Computer Business, Music school, Small Medical office & Administration.

e)      Small in-ground swimming pools, 30 by 15 feet, for elderly & other

rehabilitation for the zip area of 32209


4)     Finance

a)      Budgeting

b)      Financial Education

c)      Credit Repair

d)      Business advisory & direction


5)     Language

a)      Multiple language assistance.


6)     Children & Students

a)      Leadership

b)     Day care direction


7)     Employment

a)      Food Store, Music School, Medical Clinic, Computer

Repair, rehabilitation & Business administration.

b)     Teachers

c)      Pre & Post School

d)     Sports facilities etc.


8)     Home Maintenance & Repair

a)      Minor repair to homes

b)     Education on home repair issues



9)     Clinic

a)      Medical Universities student assistance

b)     Hospital medical students assistance

c)      Flu direction to medication.

d)     Nutrition

e)      Nurse assistance

f)       Respiratory Care & Education assistance

g)      Smoke Cessation assistance

h)     Alcoholic Cessation assistance

i)       Asthma Education assistance


10) Education

a)      Bookkeeping

b)      Cash Register

c)      Resume Creation

d)      Work Resource

e)      Obtained a foreclosed school, to reopen, for this region, grades p to 12



11) Schools’

a)      Assistance Programs

b)     Recommendations

c)      Transfers

d)     After School

e)      Tutoring

f)       Teen Court Program

g)      Sports


12) Music Training

a)      Piano / Organ

b)     Guitar

c)      Wind instruments

d)     Vocal

e)      Dance


13) Sports

a)      Work with PAL in creating various sports facilities

b)     Obtain grants & funding for land and facilities

for Basketball, Baseball, soccer & track and field.


14) Church

a)      Purchase, funding & Creation of the God’s Children Angels Christian Church

b)     Sports programs

c)      Coaches

d)     Associations

The character and essence of the corporation is the same as the purpose.



Prohibited Activities


No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article 11 and the church By-Laws listed below.

No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, except, to create and place laws to protect our children from sexual offenders, and exclusively protect the children of the United States, as they are listed in various states and additionally predatorily personnel, as they may hurt our children.


except, to support the Police departments, in obtaining additional officers to accommodate our city needs for more officers.


engaging, in having a political representative, that specifically is involved in the majority of its interest, in Children’s Law protection and encompassed, in creating peace and laws for the city for Jacksonville. Hence, a person that is dedicated to our city safety.



The corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this corporation.



Distributions Upon Dissolution


Upon the dissolution of the corporation, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the legal liabilities of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.





The names and addresses of the Incorporators are:

Bruce Conway

5776 Bryce Street Keystone Heights FL 32656





God’s Children Angels

We the undersigned, desiring to become incorporated under the provisions of our above Act; to do hereby make, execute, and adopt the following Articles of Association to wit to the God’s Children Angels Church:

1)           The name assumed by this corporation and by which it shall be known in law, is the God’s Children Angels.

2)           The location of said church or society shall be in the County of Duval, and State of Jacksonville Florida.

3)           The time for which said corporation shall be created shall be perpetual to the date of this corporation by the state of Florida.

4)           Additionally,  and later, the church shall and upon successful fund raising, to purchase the landed and  property and, then erection of that physical land the church.

5)           The members of said church or society shall worship and labor together according to the discipline, rules, and usages of historic New Testament churches.

6)           This corporation shall proceed under its section as prescribed by its By-Laws.

7)           Reception of Members:

a)            Any person, without regard to race, having expressed a desire to conform to the Church Covenant and having received a favorable vote of the Church, may acquire membership in this church as follows:

b)           Any person who professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, gives evidence of a spiritual rebirth, and has received baptism by immersion.

c)            Any person to whom the ordinance of baptism by immersion has been administered may be received by letter from another church of like faith and practice upon a satisfactory confession of faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.

d)           Any believer, baptized by immersion who is without church membership, upon a satisfactory confession of faith in Christ as Savior and Lord may be received upon the basis of his Christian experience.

8)           Officers

The officers of this church shall consist of a Pastor, a Church Clerk, a one Board Elder. This church may by vote or resolution provide for other officers and committees for a limited length of time and for special purposes not conflicting with the regular elected officers, board, and ministries provided for in the By-Laws. All officers of the church shall be active members of this church in good and regular standing and shall be elected and hold office for the length of time and in the manner provided for in the By-Laws. Any active member in good and regular standing twenty-one (21) years of age and over shall be eligible to hold office for the length of time and in the manner provided for in the By-Laws. Any office shall become vacant upon termination of active membership in this church of the holder of such office, upon vote of the church, or as provided in the By-Laws.

9)           Duties of Officers

The duties of the various officers, Board of Elders and others shall be such as are usually recognized by the New Testament Church as duties belonging to those officers and Boards; also, and more specifically, such duties as are provided for in the By-Laws of this church.

10)         Meeting of the Church

The meetings of this church shall be regular stated meetings for worship, business and such other meetings as are usually conducted by churches of  like faith and practice; also such as are provided for in the By-Laws or by resolution of the church.


11)         Voting

Only the incorporators of this church shall be entitled to vote on all propositions concerning the church; provided, however, that only members of legal voting age (21) shall be entitled to vote on matters requiring written ballot concerning the transfer or lease of real property, or on those matters which the church, upon recommendation of the Board of Elders shall decide, by previous action, are of such a nature as requires the vote of mature minds.


By Laws

This church may adopt such By-Laws as it may see fit which are not in conflict with those Articles of Association, the laws of the State Florida, or contrary to the established customs, usages, and traditions of New Testament churches.



At any time when the active membership of this church shall be reduced to less than one, by death or otherwise, it shall be deemed to be defunct.

In case this church shall become defunct, all its property, real, personal, and mixed shall be disposed of according to the statutes of the State of Florida.



The Articles of Association may be amended at any regularly scheduled or special business meeting of the church by incorporated members provided:

That notice of the proposed change or changes shall have been distributed in writing to the incorporated membership present at least two (2) weeks in advance of the business meeting. Or, that notice of change or changes shall have been read from the pulpit in open meetings two (2) successive Sundays next preceding the business meeting at which proposed change or changes are made. The proposed change or changes shall be presented in writing and voted on by secret ballot.


Name of Church

The name of this church shall be the God’s Children Angels’, located in Duval County, Jacksonville Florida.


Church Covenant

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions; to educate our children in the Christian religion; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all gossiping, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage, that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


Church & Incorporation Covenant Master

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; we lead this church & incorporation, with our motto listed below:

                                                                                For  God, Honor & Country


Business Plan

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; the business plan is guided by the purpose of helping the people in our Duval county regions of Jacksonville & Clay county Keystone Heights.

The business plan will be lodged & attached to the incorporation, at the 90 day requirement, after the incorporation establishment.

The business plan will be always available, for all and to the fund raising donators on the site www.godschildrenangels.us.






a)     The web site is ended in .us. This is to indicate, that the laws to be passed & created, is for the protection of all the children in the United States.

b)     Conceptually, by this being created, by this example, hopefully, other regions will create such programs to better every neighborhood.

c)      Conceptually, this God’s guidance, will create 100 to 300 jobs, for the specific people of Jacksonville.



Business Plan Summary


Community Action Program


a)       Taxation

Assist the neighborhood at tax time, in very low cost, tax assistance with H& R Block software.

Additionally, the admin office will employ staff that will be trained and hence create additional jobs.

b)      Immigration

Assist immigrants in leading them to application processing.

c)       Insurance

Assist with our insurance people with a) Home insurance, b) Motor vehicle etc.

d)      Retirement

Direct to our associates with retirement help.

e)       Food Stamps

Assist people that have hard ship in food stamp, on-line applications.

f)        Social Security

Direct people that cannot get good assistance to our associates for assistance.

g)       Medicare

Assist with associates.

h)      Medicaid

Assist with associates

i)        Mortgage HAMP

Assist in applications & Processing.

j)        Nu-Legal

Help in directing people to our free assistance.

k)      Grants

Create grants for people and organisations.

l)        WIC

Assist with applications.

m)    TANFC Cash Benefits

Assist with applications

n)      Driver’s License

Assist in solving issues, in possibly, re-obtaining licenses..


Gods Children Angels Protection Law



Law a)  ANKLE ELECTRONIC TRACKER. Place electronic ankle straps to keep
     track of the sex offenders.

Law b) CHIP TRACKING. Place electronic chips to keep track of the sex

Law c) DRIVERS LICENSE. Remove their drivers licenses to alleviate
    abductions of children in and by vehicles.

Law d) SIGNS. Sex abuser lives here signs, like stop signs,
    must be attached to the houses, to warn residents & Children, that these
    problem people live here.

Law e) Monthly, program with psychological authorities, after release of offenders, to review and authorize offenders, for social involvement in the community.

Law f) Bi-weekly police probation monitoring.

Law g) Law requiring IDENTIFYING sex Offender as DANGEROUS PREDATOR, rather than, released sex offender.

Law h) AMBER ALERT system is required immediately, within 5 minutes, to place the alert. Confirmation & investigations are done later at the Police desecration. Hence, the alert can be recalled if needed. Time is the issue not the confirmation.

Law i) Registered Sex Offenders & Predators to LIVE 10 miles OUT SIDE of Schools, Churches, Malls etc.


Fund Raising Foundation

a)      Educational  grants, to sexually abused children, for University education

b)     Lodgment & funding of  laws, to protect our children from sexual listed offenders and other unscrupulous people.

c)      School, Educational and sports facilities for the children in this zip 32209

d)     Build a facility 12 by 160 feet on 5222 Paris Avenue, to create Food store, Computer Business, Music school, Small Medical office & Administration.

e)      Small in-ground swimming pools, 30 by 15 feet, for elderly & other

rehabilitation for the zip area of 32209



a)      Budgeting

Help in budgeting. Teach in this situation.

b)     Financial Education

Educate on many areas such as credit etc.

c)      Credit Repair

Assist in repairing credit by investigating their reports and lodging applications to the various companies to solve their credit.

d)     Business advisory & direction

Direct people to starting their own business.



a)      Multiple language assistance.

We speak many languages to assist people.


Children & Students

a)      Leadership

Get involved in creating groups of children, in training, great leadership and godly examples of hoe lives should be lived.

b)     Day care direction

Direct people that need this help, to appropriate organizations.



a)      After construction of our small facilities, we will employ staff for our Food Store, Music School, Medical Clinic, Computer,

Repair, rehabilitation & Business administration.

b)     Teachers

Hopefully, in trying to set up a school, we will employ teachers.

c)      Pre & Post School

Children need assistance in pre-school and after school, as parents are working. We will help in their guidance.

d)     Sports facilities etc.

Hopefully, with a grant, we will purchase land to create a neighborhood, facility for Base Ball, Basket Ball, Soccer, Football & Tennis, along the lines of PAL and also allowing PAL to use our facilities.


Home Maintenance & Repair

a)      Minor repair to homes

b)     Education on home repair issues




a)      Medical Universities

Arrange these training locations, to bring some weekly help, to look at our neighborhood people.

b)     Hospital

c)      Arrange these training locations, to bring some weekly help, to look at our neighborhood people.

d)     Flu

Direct people to hospitals, pharmacies o get flu vaccinations.

e)      Nutrition

Train people in basic nutrition.

f)       Nurse

Arrange various nursing staff to do free assistance with our neighbourhood.

g)      Respiratory Care & Education

h)     Smoke Cessation

i)       Alcoholic Cessation

j)       Asthma Education



a)      Bookkeeping

b)     Cash Register

c)      Resume Creation

d)     Work Resource direction.

e)      Obtained a foreclosed school, to reopen, for this region, grades K, & 1 to 12




a)      Assistance Programs

Assist in children, that have had issues, to work with schools for assistance. Will direct in Teen court direction and remediation.

b)     Recommendations

c)      Transfers assistance between schools.

d)     After School direction to Post-Schools.

e)      Tutoring direction for children

f)       Teen Court Program.

g)      Sports direction of kids to various organizations like PAL.



a)      Piano / Organ

We will teach Piano & Keyboards.

b)     Guitar

We will teach guitar.

c)      Wind instruments

We will teach trumpet, trombone etc.

d)     Vocal

We will teach vocals.

e)      Dance

We will teach dance.



a)      Work with PAL in creating various sports facilities.

b)     Obtain grants & funding for land and facilities

for Basketball, Baseball, soccer & track and field.



a)      Purchase, obtain funding & creation of the God’s Children Angels Christian. Church.

b)     Communicate with all churches, for children assistance programs, for their children.

c)      Sports programs.

Created interchurch programs for various sports.

d)     Coaches

Arrange & train coaches for various sports for their children, sports programs.

e)      Associations

Create an all church association, that communicates on all issues, on a daily basis for various alerts like, sex abused people & their locations, and so much more.


Dated and created this   DATE Friday, July 26, 2013 at 6.04pm by the under listed incorporators.


Director Bruce Conway:……………………………………………………


Director Dayse Conway:……………………………………………………


Director: Sergio Coutinho…………………………………………………………………









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